It is about the API that incorporates SSML into the Text to Speech module, a code language that analyzes and processes the elements contained in the voice messages it receives to deliver more detailed audio responses from the bots.

Xentric, which is part of the Alloxentric platform, has added support for SSML, giving programmers using its API a lot of versatility when it comes to customizing voices, which uses and distinguishes accents, voice inflections, and other techniques to humanize and personalize bot responses.

The SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) is an XML-based scripting language used to define format elements, generate custom languages, and provide text annotations for speech synthesis applications. The SSML language is a versatile protocol that is currently only supported by top-tier technology. As a result, the Alloxentric platform joins this select circle by adding functionality that allows it to recognize and adapt to language local characteristics, which are already available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

The incorporation of this new technology into the Xentric platform was made possible by a partnership between Alloxentric and students from the School of Informatics and Telecommunications Duoc UC’s Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer. The two organizations have been collaborating on the advancement of new technologies and the development of work opportunities for their students since 2020.

Today, Alloxentric allows personalized communication solutions for banking, call centers, government agency public service offices, retail, healthcare, and industries in general, among other practical applications.

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