In order to win over customers, agents must offer a pleasant and empathetic service.

Mexico City, October 12, 2021. Alloxentric, an omnichannel communication platform powered by AI and machine learning to improve customer service, pointed out that a good customer service and communication strategy could lead to sales increases of up to 20 percent sales during Buen Fin 2021 and year-end purchases. Businesses can suffer up to 3 percent revenue losses from a bad customer experience, according to PwC’s Global Consumer Insight Survey.

According to the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Concanaco), Buen Fin 2021 is expected to surpass the 239 billion pesos in sales recorded last year, which will assist in driving the economic recovery following the impacts caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Commercial events like Buen Fin put the icing on the cake by allowing brands, business owners, customers, and even competitors to judge if they offer quality customer service. As a result, all companies need to prepare and improve their strategies for the year ahead in order to compete and remain relevant”, according to Pablo Gómez, who was recently appointed Country Sales Manager in Mexico.

Additionally, it is estimated that 35 percent of sales are made through digital channels, and the amount of sales could reach 84 billion pesos, the reason for the hope of transformation. Due to this, Alloxentric shares 4 guiding principles for all organizations involved with commercial events to deliver better service through their different communication channels in order to increase their sales and customer loyalty.

1.- Omnichannel Communication: As a result of the pandemic, consumers are more aware of the benefits of digital shopping platforms, which can be combined with physical stores to maximize efficiency.

Thus, companies must coordinate all of their physical and digital customer service channels in order to offer a personalized service, with a well-organized, clear and transversal interaction.

Harvard Business Review reports that 73 percent of customers use multiple channels during the purchasing process. Once they have acquired all the information they need to support their decision, they take the final step, which is to purchase the product.

2.- Customer service agent training: Due to the changes caused by the pandemic, the competitiveness of the market forced all companies to invest more and more in improving the experience of their customers to differentiate themselves.

For this reason, agent training is one of the main priorities of organizations in order to meet the rising demands of customers and accelerate business growth. According to Gartner, 64 percent of people place more value on the quality of the customer experience than on the price when it comes to deciding where to buy.

3.- Create a relationship with the customer: In order to win over customers, agents must offer a pleasant and empathetic service. It is not only about handling complaints courteously, but also about listening closely to what problems, concerns or comments the consumer has so that they can know which is the best solution that allows them to win over the customer and make them fall in love.

Adobe reports that 66 percent of consumers will leave if they can’t find personalized content, and PwC says 52 percent of customers are willing to pay more for an experience they deem to be fast and efficient.

4.- Improve the quality of customer service through artificial intelligence and machine learning: It is essential that organizations know how to utilize emerging technologies by collecting the necessary information from consumers to offer them a better service, as well as how to evaluate their communication with consumers.

With the help of these technologies, businesses will be able to automate and optimize repetitive tasks, and concentrate human talent on the most important sales areas, strengthening consumer relationships and consumers’ loyalty.

“In 2021, this event will present great opportunities and challenges for companies in Mexico, since digital communication became more prevalent during the pandemic, consequently online sales will be noticeable and therefore brand-client communication will also be more noticeable. Given this, organizations must be ready to offer flexible, fast and non-stop digital service”, said Pablo.

Recently, Alloxentric developed a new platform, CX Analytics, to help improve customer experience by automating communication across multiple channels, and reducing administrative costs by more than 75 percent.

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