The use of chatbots is not just about the platform you choose, but also how you implement it. Consider the features and functionality of each platform, and then determine the ROI based on indicators. On Alloxentric’s dashboard, clients can monitor the quality of their contactability initiatives, as well as their communication process.


The most significant consideration in selecting chatbot platforms is establishing what works best for your company, business model, and contactability plan. Consider the functionality and suitability of each platform when assessing your chatbot possibilities. An ideal option must also match your company’s budget requirements.

Platforms provide us with the ability to collect information that helps us analyze how our campaigns are performing. When our campaigns are delivering a return on investment, the platform can help us optimize for consistency. By assisting in answering inquiries such as how it is performing and obtaining evidence of various trends, we can determine whether there is potential to achieve a substantial outcome.

The Alloxentric dashboard module has been designed to provide insights to our clients in all these questions that come with the implementation of a campaign. In order to make statistical conclusions about our performance, we need simple visuals that help us understand our trajectory by looking at only two criteria:

  • Experience-driven evolution
  • Evaluation by comparison with the market

As part of the experience-driven evolution, the dashboard module provides you with the ability to answer critical questions regarding the return on sales campaign, whether is increasing or decreasing customer acquisition, and which are the best methods to collect customer information in the most effective way.

When comparing campaigns against the market, we can measure our results regarding industry standards and benchmarks, such as, how does the campaign’s contactability channel rank against those of the industry, and how do we measure our success regarding transfers to live executives?

In order to assist our clients with answering these questions, Alloxentric designed a dashboard that integrates various indicator tools that can help clients understand the various elements in their communication process and the quality and execution of their contactability campaigns and processes.

This dashboard provides insight into campaign results, such as success rates, volume of insisted calls, and what users are responding to within bot chat flows. All of this happens in real time, allowing campaign managers to do things like:

  • Reorder the campaign execution priority
  • Expedite redialing of unanswered numbers
  • Assign a new agent to the campaign
  • Reassign a bot to the campaign

Graphs and tables in the dashboard can be easily visualized and can be used to take immediate action on the data.

When implementing a chatbot strategy, plenty of questions arise. Alloxentric’s client-facing dashboard module, which was designed to provide insights in all these areas to assure success, can help you address these and other challenges. If you’re looking for an automated way to communicate with customers, chatbots are a good option to consider. However, it’s important to think about the functionality and the platform that will work best for you and your company.


Contact us if you want our team of experts on your side when it comes time to implement a campaign that will not only drive sales but also generate leads while providing valuable insights into consumer behavior.

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